“RIGA PORT CITY” SIA, reg. No. 40203384931, (hereinafter - the Controller) maintains the website www.rigaportcity.lv (hereinafter - the Platform) as well as the social network account Instagram: riga_port_city_ and Facebook: Riga Port City. The Controller respects the privacy of its customers, potential customers, visitors of the Platform and social network accounts and shall undertake to protect it in accordance with the privacy policy (hereinafter - the Privacy Policy).
The purpose of the Privacy Policy is to provide information to you regarding the fact of what purpose the Controller acquires personal data for, what types of personal data it processes and within what deadlines, to inform you of the measures of data protection in general as well as about the rights and obligations of the data subject. The Privacy Policy shall be applied to any natural person (data subject), the personal data of whom the Controller processes, and it shall be applied to the personal data processing regardless of the fact of in what form or environment the personal data are submitted and processed.
More detailed information about cookies and identification data, being collected by the Controller from visitors of the Platform, is described in the Privacy Policy in the section “About cookies”.
The Controller shall only process the personal data that are required in order to achieve the purposes of its commercial activity and only in the minimum required volume. When processing the personal data, the Controller complies with the regulatory enactments being in force in the Republic of Latvia, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter - the Regulation), Personal Data Processing Law, as well as other regulatory enactments in the field of privacy and personal data processing.
Personal data appearing at the disposal of the Controller shall be protected and only disclosed to third parties in the cases, in accordance with the procedure and in the amount specified by legal acts or concluded contracts. When transferring the personal data to the contracting partners (other personal data controllers), additional provisions shall be integrated into the contracts with regard to personal data processing. In order to ensure the fulfilment of its services, the Controller may also use personal data processors, providing services and processing the personal data on behalf of the Controller. In such cases the Controller shall perform necessary measures in order to ensure that such personal data processors perform personal data processing in accordance with the instructions of the Controller and in accordance with the applicable regulatory enactments, and shall require the performance of the relevant security measures. The Controller shall only use the processors that provide sufficient guarantees that the relevant technical and organisational measures will be implemented in a way that the requirements of the Regulation will be observed during the processing and that protection of the data subjects will be provided.
Public relations and communication events with the customers, potential customers of the Controller, visitors of the Platform and other social networks, participants of surveys, studies and competitions are provided by the personal data processor: Limited Liability Company Jazz Communications, reg. No.: 40103201839, legal address: Dzirnavu Street 68 k-2, Riga, LV-1050.
With regard to the visitors of the platform and other social networks, the legal basis for the personal data processing shall be the consent of visitors and/or legitimate interests of the Controller. The Controller shall perform communication on the commercial notices, on services, surveys, competitions on the basis of the consent of the visitors. The Controller may process the following types of personal data: name, surname, contact information: phone and/or e-mail, and/or names of social networks account, in certain cases demographical data and other information provided by the visitor. More detailed information on the purpose and volume of personal data processing, as well as the legal basis, may be provided in a certain situation of personal data collection, such as, in cases of the organisation of certain competitions, surveys
The Controller shall use various technical and organisational security measures for the protection of personal data from unauthorised access, unlawful processing or disclosure, loss or destruction. Your personal data shall be safely stored for only as long as it is necessary for the purposes determined by the Controller, for which the personal data were acquired. Duration of storage of personal data may be based on the contract, consent, legitimate interests of the Controller or applicable regulatory enactments (such as the Law on Accounting and other regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia). The following criteria shall be used for the determination of the time period for the storage of personal data: as long as the Controller can implement its legitimate interests in accordance with the procedure determined by external regulatory enactments (for example, possible dispute settlement and protection of rights) and as long as the legal duty exists to store the data. After the end of the period of data storage the data shall be securely deleted or destructed, or anonymised so that they can no longer be linked with the data subject.
Cookies Policy
Cookies are small text files being used on the Platform in order to provide a more efficient experience for visitors. The Controller may store cookies on your device, if they are mandatorily required for operation of the Platform. Other types of cookies require your permission.
Cookies are sent to the memory of your device during the visit of the Platform. During each further visit, cookies are sent back to the originating site that recognises the cookie. Cookies operate as a memory of a certain website, enabling the website to remember your device during next visits. Our Platform uses both mandatory required cookies, warning users and visitors of our Platform about such before starting to use the page, as well as statistical cookies if the visitor of the Platform has provided their consent.
This Platform uses the programme “Google Analytics” of the company “Google Inc”, which uses cookies stored on your computer and enables you to analyse how you use the relevant platform. Your IP address, when applying IP anonymisation, is shortened within the territory of the European Union or the European Economic Area and may only be delivered for processing to Google servers located in the USA in exceptional cases. Google uses the information in order to assess how you use the relevant platform, in order to prepare reports for webpage providers about activities on the relevant webpages and to provide other services related to the use of webpages and the internet. Google will never link the IP address received here with any other information being at the disposal of Google. In case of need Google provides this information to third parties, if it is stipulated in the law or if third persons perform the processing of such data on the assignment of Google. If you do not agree to the use of statistical cookies, the visit data are not included in the statistics of “Google Analytics”.
Refusal from the use of cookies
You have the right not to consent to the creation, accumulation and processing of such statistical data by manually disabling the use of the cookies processing mechanism in your browser at any time. It is possible to change the cookies or delete them in your internet browser settings.
We add links to the most popular browser cookie management information resources:
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Safari
- Opera
- Edge
- Explorer
More information on how to control cookies according to the browser of your device can be found on the website: www.aboutcookies.org
Rights of the Data Subject
You as a data subject have the following rights - to receive the information determined in regulatory enactments in relation to your personal data processing or restriction of processing, or the right to object to processing (including to personal data processing, which is performed on the basis of the legitimate interests of the Controller), to submit a request on the implementation of your rights in written form by using mail or e-mail (documents signed with a safe electronic signature). You have the right to revoke your consent at any time (if any has been requested from you and you have provided it) on the collection, processing and use of your personal data.
The Controller shall ensure the fulfilment of the personal data processing and protection requirements, in accordance with the Regulation and regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia. In the case if you have reasonable concerns about the fact that the Controller performs your personal data processing in a way not in compliance with the requirements of regulatory enactments, or you have any other questions related to data processing, please, contact the Controller first, but if you still consider that your rights are being violated, you have the right to turn to the supervisory authority: Data State Inspectorate, Elijas iela 17, Riga, LV-1050, e-mail: [email protected], website address: www.dvi.gov.lv.
Contact information of the Controller for communication regarding any issues related to personal data processing:
Reģ. Nr. 40203384931
Juridiskā adrese: Dzirnavu Street 68 k-2, Riga, LV-1050
tālrunis: +371 28399900
elektroniskā pasta adrese: [email protected]
tīmekļa vietnes adrese: www.rigaportcity.lv
The Privacy Policy has been drawn up in Latvian. This privacy policy may be translated and may also be available in other languages. In the case of any discrepancies in the translation of the Privacy Policy, the Latvian version of the Privacy Policy shall always prevail. The Controller shall be entitled to make amendments to the Privacy Policy by publishing the up-to-date version of the Privacy Policy on the platform